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1:1 CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT for short) is one of the most widely-used and effective approaches for anxiety and depression. 

How it Works

When you are struggling with something it can be confusing and even frustrating: why am I feeling or acting this way?


CBT assumes that the way we feel and act is driven by a combination of what is happening around us, and the way we perceive things. Some things are always hard to take, but sometimes the way we perceive the issue magnifies or changes how it hits us.


Importantly, this isn't about being "irrational" but instead understanding that the way we perceive things comes from our experiences. For example: you are more likely to be afraid of being laughed at if you have been laughed at before. That isn't irrational, it is completely reasonable.


Understanding where it comes from and how it works is the first step towards being able to identify the key things to make changes that will actually work. The ultimate aim is for you to understand the problem better than I do, so you can feel confident that you know what you are doing in the future.



"I immediately felt comfortable with Ted. He's a fantastic listener, who expertly helped me process some very difficult experiences and emotions. He's brilliant at unpacking complex issues and taught me how to understand the way I think, feel and act. As a result of our sessions I've healed deep wounds, developed a sense of confidence and self-worth, know how to set boundaries and communicate securely, and have fallen in love with the life I'm living." - F

​What can CBT help with?

I work with a wide range of issues including:



From a general sense of worry to more specific issues such as social anxiety, OCD, panic attacks or PTSD.



Depression is a very common issue and can be respond very well to CBT, particularly when we focus not only on the current symptoms but also the root causes.



Sometimes it might not feel like a mental health issue, but rather something you would like to feel better or more confident about.



CBT can also help with other issues such as body image or interpersonal relationships. Not sure? Get in touch.


My Approach and Fees


I work with adults, but I also work with young people. When I work with young people, I tend to prefer working with the parents.



I do my 1:1 sessions exclusively online and I do my client work Monday-Thursday between 09:30 and 16:45.



Get in touch via email and tell me a little bit about what you are looking for help with. If I do have capacity and it sounds like I can help, our first step will be finding 30 minutes to speak (no charge) so that I can ask a little more, and give you an impression of what we would do about it, so you can tell if this feels like the right fit for you.



My fees vary depending on session length and demand.


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